Known affectionally as Pam, Yvonne Lovell grew up in Albion, and is the proud Albiongal. From her working class home just outside Montego Bay, Yvonne would emerge from the Albion primary school to attend the prestigious Montego Bay High School for Girls, and then West Indies College in Jamaica. She pursued her grandmother's dream and obtained both bachelor and master's degrees, and chose higher education as her life's work in the Untied States.
Albion was a sprawling suburb due south of the airport, and west of the city of Montego Bay. Like most suburbs then, it was made up of middle and working-class families, interspersed with tenements for the poor and the occasional convenience store. Albion roadways were only partially asphalted in sections, but in other parts irregular and curvy. They were narrow, shared by cars, busses, pedestrians and the occasional donkey. There were no sidewalks. Miss Lovell’s daily walk to school down Salt Springs Road, or through the Beacon's Field shortcut was dusty and treacherous.